Discovery & Development Center

NuVenture Nepal’s Discovery and Development Center exists to inspire hope and empower dreams for women through skills training and personal growth development.

Based in Lalitpur, Nepal, our social enterprise is an ecosystem to strengthen entrepreneurship. Women join our  Discovery and Development Center for a 1-year program to learn skills and find employment.

Our Values

We are motivated by compassion to ignite hope and change for victims of injustice and exploitation.

Equipping individuals, through skills  training, and personal growth development  to live abundant lives, and to be resilient in the face of obstacles.

Freeing people from the chains of poverty and fatalistic mindsets to pursue their dreams.

Current Startup - Apple World

Founder & Owner: Anisha Lama

This company produces excellent apple based products such as non-alcoholic cold-pressed apple cider, delicious applesauce, applebutter, and apple cider vinegar.

Contact her today to put in your order!

+977 984-3668385

Instagram: @appleworld_23

“Take a bite, enhance your life!”